Plot: "Kitumba" depicts the Enterprise on a suicide mission to the heart of the Klingon Empire. Pulled in every direction by warlords and people that have their own agenda, the Kitumba suddenly finds himself confronting his very enemy: Captain James Kirk and the Enterprise. The choices he makes will resonate through the galaxy for years to come.
The extended-length episode will not only explore Klingon society and show us the home planet, but will bridge the gap between the TOS Klingon Empire and Klingon Empire we saw in the feature films. \n
"Kitumba" includes a cast of 36 with 59 extras - sporting ridges as well as TOS Klingon makeup. Introducing Kario Periera Bailey as the Kitumba, special surprise guest stars for the episode include Gil Gerard and Andrew Probert.
Actor Kario Pereira Bailey will be taking on the role of the Klingon Emperor in "Kitumba". Kario was featured in both "Vermont Stories" and "The Voices Project", and has a wealth of theatre experience. In a classic story of the power struggle to gain control of a government, Kario will be portraying the young man at the heart of it all. \n
The Well known Star Trek designer and illustrator Andrew Probert will be contributing a design for a Klingon Fighter craft for "Kitumba."
"I have been occasionally dropping in on the [Star Trek: Phase II] website to see what's been going on. When it turned out that James and I were at the same convention and probably being the only person in Star Trek not involved in his projects, I couldn't resist running over and introducing myself". James mentioned that he might need some Klingon designs for an upcoming episode, and since he was currently involved in producing a model of his Klingon fighter concept, with Federation Models, he thought James might want to use it for his show.
"It will be great to have Andrew Probert designed elements in "Kitumba" - I'm really looking forward to seeing his work in this episode," said Executive Producer James Cawley. \n
"Kitumba" was written by Patty Wright, from an original two-part story concept by John Meredyth Lucas for the aborted Paramount "Phase II" series written in 1977. A producer during the second season of The Original Series, he also directed three episodes and wrote four including "Patterns of Force" and "Elaan of Troyus". "Mr. Lucas passed away some time ago," said Cawley, "Kitumba is being produced as a tribute to Him for all his many wonderful contributions to Trek. We do have to re write and update some, but we feel the story is in good hands."
"Kitumba" has long been on Star Trek fan's "most wished for to be produced" list. The episodes would have been the first in-depth look at the culture and civilization of the Klingon Empire.
Updated for Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II to reconcile with Star Trek canon filmed since Lucas first wrote his drafts, the story was thought too monumental an undertaking for any fan film. The ambitious script called for two days of location shooting at the National Historic Site Fort Ticonderoga, New York ( ); and an additional day of location shooting at a local restaurant in Ticonderoga, New York. Thanks to the magnificant teamwork of the entire Phase II production staff, the filming went off without so much as a hitch and the episode came in, complete, only 5 hours over the planned shooting schedule of 13 days. Principle photography was completed on June 15, 2009.