Novelette: 05 - Calm Before the Storm

We are pleased to present a series of novellas/novelettes. These stories are specifically based on the New Voyages: Phase-II timeline, filling in the gaps between live-action episodes and exploring some of the themes presented in them. These stories were originally written and had a limited release back in 2014 and are now being re-released by us in a range of popular eBook formats. The re-release of these eBooks is our way of providing additional adventures to the fans of our existing episodes.
Written by Glenn E. Smith, a member of the New Voyages production crew, these stories enable us to continue going boldly where no fan series has gone before.
They will be released one-by-one on this website in most common eBook formats:
- Mobi (Kindle),
- ePub (Nook, Kobo, Sony reader and tablets)
- PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format)
- LRF (Older Sony Readers)
- PDP (Older Palm Devices)
This work is a work of fan fiction and is made freely available to everyone at no cost. They are not official works of New Voyages: Phase II, they are simply the authors own interpretation of events related to our episodes. The author has not and will not receive any pay or other form of compensation for this work. It is not permitted to sell this work in any form or release it on any other platforms without our written permission. This eBook is authorized for release on condition that reference is given to our website where people can learn more about New Voyages: Phase II on where any links to specific pages use the given permalinks, only. The permalinks are designed to send viewers automatically to the correct language for them out of the selection English, French, German or Spanish.
STAR TREK and all related marks, logos and characters are owned by CBS Studios Inc. This work, the promotion thereof, and/or any exhibition of material created by RFS, New Voyages: Phase II and/or the author of this work are not endorsed or sponsored by or affiliated with CBS/Paramount Pictures or the STAR TREK franchise.
Length: 70 Pages (PDF Version)
Copyright: 2015, Glenn E. Smith
Publisher: Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II, International
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- From the home screen, type on the Menu icon and then "Experimental"
- Click on Web Browser. Make sure "Web" is selected on the left and tap on the address field.
- Type in and open that page. Click on the MOBI Download button.
- A window appears: "Download" Click on OK.
- The eBook will now download to your Kindle and appear on your Home screen.
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- Email the downloaded attachment to your Kindle's email address from the email account you use with your Kindle
- Your eBook will now appear on your Kindle.
- Download the MOBI file to your computer.
- Attach your Kindle to your computer via USB
- Copy the MOBI file into the Documents folder on your Kindle
- Disconnect the Kindle and you can read the eBook.
- Download the ePub file to your computer.
- Follow the instructions from youe device manufacturer to copy the file onto your device
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- Download the PDF file to your computer and use a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat.
- You can now read your eBook.
- Download the LRF file to your device and follow the manufacturers instructions.
Published as: .lrf; .lrx
- Download the PDB file to your device and follow the manufacturers instructions.
- Formerly Palm Digital Media/Peanut Press