US Mirror Websites - Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II - Deutsch

Eine Star Trek Fan-Produktion
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US Mirror Websites

You are currently viewing the official Star Trek New Voyages International website

This website provides all episodes in the popular MKV format for download and also provides subtitles in English (US/UK), French, German, Spanish and many other languages.

Our American websites and are now permenantly offline.

The "Undiscovered Mirror" run by the late J. Alec West, is now permanently offline.

The torrent tracker is now permanently offline.

The cast and crew are now concentrating on their new project: The Star Trek Original Series Set Tour.

Please note: We are not responsible for the contents of the following websites:

The following US Star Trek New Voyages Mirror Sites are also available:

Gordon Watts Star Trek Mirror 1 and Mirror 2

If you have a high speed webserver with unlimited downloads in the USA and want to help us, please contact us now to discuss becoming a New Voyages Mirror.

See also the following Star Trek New Voyages related Websites:

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