Star Trek Film Academy

Star Trek Las Vegas 201: James Cawley Announces ‘Star Trek\n Film Academy’ to start in Spring.
August 7, 2017: Peter Walker
James Cawley is well known for making the Star Trek New\n Voyages: Phase II Fan-Film series (,\n where he portrayed Captain Kirk in eight episodes and three vignettes.
After CBS announced the Fan-Film Guidelines in June 2016,\n James closed down production of “New Voyages” and turned the studio into the\n CBS licensed “Star Trek Original Series Set Tour” ( in Ticonderoga,\n Upstate New York.
On August 5, 2017, James Cawley made a major new announcement\n at STLV17: The opening of a new CBS licenced “Star Trek Film Academy”, set to\n start in Spring 2018.
The “Academy” is officially licensed by CBS and will offer a\n week-long training course on all aspects that go into making an original\n episode of Star Trek as explained by James Cawley:
“You are going to be able to come to our sets and it will be\n an academy experience. You are going to be able to learn how to make a Star\n Trek episode. You are going to go from script to stage over a six to seven-day\n period and you are going to work with people who actually made Star Trek\n episodes.”
Also on the panel were Denise Okuda, Michael Okuda, Doug\n Drexler and Daren Dochterman who will all be part of the Academy. Cawley also\n noted that they are going to reach out to more Star Trek professionals to be\n part of it including asking Jonathan Frakes to direct.
Cawley states that “Being part of the Academy will be like\n traveling back in time. You get to feel and experience what it is like to work\n on Star Trek… We’re going to pretend it’s 1966 and you’re an employee of Desilu\n Studios. At the end of your week at the Star Trek Film Academy you\n will be able to take home your own Star Trek vignette.”
You can watch the announcment in full, here:
Further Details on the Film-Academy"
Trekzone made their own interview with James Cawley that we are showing here, with thanks to TrekZone.
\n There is a lot of speculation, leading to much mis information about our STAR TREK FILM ACADEMY. FILM ACADEMY is fantasy camp for Trek fans, who want to learn the ins and outs of making STAR TREK! They will work with Trek veterans and get to take home the film they work to create.